Vibe 'n' Tacos Logo
Vibe 'n' Tacos Logo
Vibe 'n' Tacos Cups
Vibe 'n' Tacos Cups
Vibe 'n' Tacos Holder
Vibe 'n' Tacos Holder
Vibe 'n' Tacos T-Shirt
Vibe 'n' Tacos T-Shirt
Vibe 'n' Tacos was a brand Identity project given to me with the theme being music meets tacos shop. With that in mind I went the route of neon and bright lights of the stage and created my neon taco guitar logo. I used the color purple in most of my designs for the bright creativeness that music brings and a red that is commonly used in food branding. For the cups and taco holder, the stripe design I came up with was inspired by the spotlight of the stage, and the shirt, whether to be worn by crew or sold as merch, brightness the pattern up to make it striking and eye-catching.
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